City’s Legal Department is multi-faceted law firm working on behalf of citizens

single-meta-calApril 2, 2018

A four-inch stack of paperwork regarding an economic development deal? Defending the City of Huntsville against a claim? Advising City Council on an ordinance? Prosecuting a misdemeanor crime?

These and a multitude of other duties fall on the Legal Department of the City of Huntsville , with its staff of 11 attorneys and five support personnel, led by City Attorney Trey Riley.

We’re responsible for advising and providing legal assistance to City of Huntsville as a whole.”

As much as it might be officially deemed a city “department,” it’s really a mid-sized law firm, with attorneys in different specialties and areas of expertise.

“We’re responsible for advising and providing legal assistance to City of Huntsville as a whole, which includes its 20-plus departments, and the various legal issues they encounter,” Riley says.

Additionally, the staff supports another 20 or various organizations over which the City has domain, such as Burritt Museum and the Iceplex.

It has four prosecutors working full-time at Municipal Court , prosecuting violations of city ordinances and state laws.

While each attorney by necessity must have a broad foundation in law, there are areas in which one might have a particular expertise and interest that best serves the City.

Gallery: New Faces on the City’s Legal Team

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