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Sea Snakes Swim Lesson

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Event Series Event Series: Sea Snakes Swim Lesson

Event Details:

Date October 29, 2020
Time 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm
Cost $75.00
Categories Aquatics Center Swim Lessons , Huntsville Aquatics Center , Parks & Recreation

Parks & Recreation


Requirement to Enter the Class

6 years -12 years (Stage III)

(No more than 5 students per Instructor)

45 minutes

  • Can swim elementary back with free kick
  • Can Swim 25 yards of Freestyle
  • Rotary breathing
  • Can Swim 25 yards backstroke
  • Can tread water 15 seconds
  • Kneeling Dives off the wall in 7-12 ft.

Can retrieve an object off bottom of 5-7 ft.

Huntsville Aquatics Center

2213 Drake Avenue
Huntsville , AL 35806 United States
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